Steam Download Slow, Here’s The Fix

by Hashir Zuniga

Steam Download Slow

If you like playing games, you must be familiar with using Steam. However, Steam has many problems that are sometimes annoying. One problem that users sometimes face is that Steam download slow. This problem is quite annoying because users have to wait a long time before playing a game.

However, there are various ways to overcome this problem that you can try easily. But before you know the various methods that you can try to overcome this problem, you need to know why Steam downloads slow down. The following are various reasons why Steam downloads slow down.

Why Does Download So Slow?

For those of you who are Steam users, you might already know that Steam has recently updated the entire UI. These changes made many people report a slowdown in loading on the store page. However, Steam download slow because the internet connection that you are using is indeed slowing down.

Or, the location of the download server is having problems. If that is the case, you can fix the internet connection that you are using. The problem of slowing down Steam downloads can also occur because you have not updated the Network Driver. So, the solution is that you can update the Network Driver that you are using, it’s easy, right?

Then, the problem of Steam download speed can also occur due to high usage on your computer’s drive. So, there are many reasons why Steam download slow, ranging from your internet connection to problems with your Network Driver. If you want to solve this problem, you can see it through the following article:

What Can I Do If The Download Speed On Steam Is Slow?

You already know if there are many reasons why Steam download is so slow. Moreover, you can overcome these problems in various methods. The following are 7 methods that you can use to solve the problem of slowing down Steam downloads:

1. Clear Your Download Cache

The first method you can do when Steam downloads are slow is to clean Download Cache. Furthermore, you can Launch Steam and go to Settings. In the left panel, you can choose Download and then, in the right of the section, at the bottom of the page, you will see a ‘Clear Download Cache’ button.

Clear Your Download Cache on Steam

Go click ‘Clear Download Cache’ so that Steam Download is no longer slow. You will see a new window appear, and click OK. Wait until all the processes you have done are complete. Now, you can re-login your Steam account and check whether Steam download speed has increased.

2. Temporarily Disable Your Firewall

One of the things that can make your Steam download slowly is interference from your security software. You can try disabling the antivirus or firewall on your device for a while. Moreover, you can do this to check whether the Steam download problem still exists or not.

If you have difficulty disabling your antivirus or firewall, consult your security software’s documentation. If this is the method to solve your problem, you can contact the security software vendor of your device. You can ask them for advice or you can try installing a different security solution so that this problem no longer exists.

If you use Windows Defender, you can disable it on Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security App.

Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security

Then click Windows Defender Firewall Properties, and select Off on Firewall State.

Temporarily Disable Your Firewall

However, when you temporarily disable antivirus and firewall, be careful what sites you visit. Also, be careful with the file you download, or the email you open. Because when you disable antivirus or firewall, viruses can threaten your device.

See also  How To Stop Steam From Opening On Startup [Windows & Mac]

3. Change The Download Server Location

You might know that the download server you use will affect your Steam download speed. So, when your Steam download is slow, you can try to change the server in another location. The method is very easy, you can go to the Steam client and click Steam.

Change Steam Download Region

Then, you can click Settings, click Download, and click the Download Region drop-down menu. Moreover, you can choose the location of the download server you want to use, and click OK. Make sure the download server location you choose is different from the download server location that you used before.

Try to start downloading the game on Steam, and see if this method successfully resolves your problem. If this method works, then you can download other games. However, if this method hasn’t worked, you can try the steps above to choose a different download server location.

4. Update Your Network Driver

When Steam download slow, it could be because you are using an un-updated network. Therefore, you can update the driver that you are using to solve your problem. You can update the driver with your own skills or you can use a more practical method.

If you want a more practical method, you can try using Driver Easy. Driver Easy will help you to find the perfect driver for it. You don’t need to be busy knowing what system your computer is running, or you don’t need to worry about errors when you install.

Driver Easy

If you want to use Driver Easy, there are two methods you can choose, using the PRO version or FREE. You can use the PRO version if you want to update network drivers in a very short way. You can download and install Driver Easy, then run the program by clicking the ‘Scan Now’ button.

Driver Easy will scan your computer and detect problems on your computer. You can click the ‘Update’ button to download the correct driver for your computer. Then, you can see whether your problem is resolved or not using this method.

5. End The Resource Hogging Programs

When you download games, this can use up a lot of resources for the hard drive on your computer. Download speed can slow down when there are other programs that cause high drive utilization. To solve this problem, you should check your disk usage and end-all resource-logging programs.

End The Resource Hogging Programs

Then, right-clicking on an empty space in the taskbar uses the drive. Click Task Manager and end all programs or processes that cause high usage in your computer’s drive. After ending the resource-hogging program, you can restart your download process. You need to do this to see if this method works.

6. Check Your Network Connection Status

The problem of Steam download slow could be because your network connection is not working properly. Then, you can check the status of the network connection you are using. You must ensure that your computer is connected to the internet properly by checking your network cable connection.

Restarting the router

Or, you can restart your network device on the computer, router, or modem you are using. After you do that, you can see whether the method is able to solve the problem of Steam download slow. If you continue to experience network connection problems, you can consult your internet service provider.

7. Uninstall and Reinstall Steam

There is a problem why Steam downloads are slow because some of your Steam files are corrupt. Therefore, you can solve the problem by reinstalling Steam on your computer. But, you need to backup your games first because you will lose your games and data once this completed this task.

Move steamapps folder

Open to your Steam Library folder and make a copy of “steamapps” (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps) in another folder or drive. Also, copy “userdata” folder to keep other things you need. After the reinstallation is done, simply just replace the new “steamapps” and “userdata” with the previous folder you have copied before.

Those are 7 methods you can practice to solve the problem of Steam download slow. You can do the steps one by one to solve the problem. Hopefully one of the fix steps above will help resolve your issue.

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