How to Change Your Username on TikTok Easily

by Emily Barrow

How to Change Your Username on TikTok

Username is your identity on social media. When creating an account, it is not uncommon that you choose a username but later dislike it. Luckily, most social media platforms allow you to change username and TikTok is no exception. Do you know how to change your username on TikTok easily?

Changing username on TikTok is extremely simple. Only with a few steps, your username will change instantly. But you should note that TikTok has a policy regarding username. It can only be changed once every 30 days and it must be unique, which means it hasn’t yet used by other users.

How to Change Username on TikTok

As username is something that can be used to find or tag you, of course you want to choose the best for it. If you made a mistake for choosing a peculiar name when creating your account, it is never late to change it. Here are few steps to alter your username on TikTok.

  • Launch TikTok app on your mobile device. Log into your account.
  • Once you land in the main menu, choose Me. It can be found in the bottom-right corner of your screen.

Once you land in the main menu, choose Me. It can be found in the bottom-right corner of your screen

  • For the next step, select Edit profile.

How to Change Your Username on TikTok: For the next step, select Edit profile.

  • Tap Username and delete the existing username.

Tap Username and delete the existing username.

  • Enter a new username. It can contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscore. Avoid putting period at the end of your username.

Tap Username and delete the existing username.

  • Select Save.

Select Save.

  • Now your TikTok username has been changed.

Think carefully before entering a new username because you won’t be able to change it until 30 days. If you get a notification that the username is not available, that means you have to enter another username. It might be used by other users. Repeat the steps to try again.

What Username Should I Use on TikTok?

Some might think username on TikTok is a trivia. But if you ever plan to monetize it, picking a compelling and unique username is a must. Choosing a username is unarguably your personal decision but if you want to make your TikTok account noticeable, you should know what username to opt.

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Here are a few considerations when choosing a username for TikTok:

1. Use Similar Username to Other Accounts

Linking your account with other social media platforms is a brilliant way to grow on TikTok. Then, you should use the same or similar username to other accounts. It helps you maintain your identity across platforms so that your followers will be able to find you in different platforms.

2. Avoid Difficult Username

Despite TikTok requires you to provide a unique username, it does not mean you have to use a difficult one. A username that is difficult to read prevents an agency or brand to associate with you. It is much safer to use your own name with a little modification to make it unique.

3. Use Relatable Name

It does not have to be your real name. You could also use your hobby or skills to create a different yet engaging username, such as ‘archer_bro’ if you love archery or ‘game.master’ if you are a game enthusiasts. Just make sure the name is relatable to your personality or image you covet to project.

4. Consider Username Generator

When you don’t have any idea about a new username, take advantage of TikTok username generator online. There are plenty of generators that will help you find the best username for a TikTok account. They are extremely easy to use and free.

How to Edit Your Profile on TikTok

Now that you change the username, you might want a new profile that matches your new name. Thankfully, profile TikTok can be edited at any time. This platform allows you to change name, profile picture, and bio that can be integrated to YouTube and Instagram.

Here are a few steps to edit profile on TikTok.

  • Open your TikTok app. If you log out in the previous session, you need to log into your account.
  • Select Me in the main menu.
  • You should see Edit Profile button under the profile picture. Tap on it.

You should see Edit Profile button under profile picture. Tap on it.

  • Change any information that you wish.

Overall, how to change your username on TikTok is super easy but it does not mean you can change it any time. As a username is your identity on TikTok, be careful in choosing the right one. Consider a few tips above and make your TikTok account noticeable.

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