8 Best HTTrack Alternatives and Similar Software

by Hashir Zuniga

Best HTTrack Alternatives

Without a doubt, HTTrack is a fantastic program, however, if you want something comparable, you may try some utilities below. These 8 HTTrack alternatives run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

HTTrack allows you to download entire websites to your PC. People may surf the internet and access the websites they choose or create a webpage with the existing links. This application also restarts webpage downloads after an interruption.

HTTrack is a basic offline browser tool that makes downloading websites to a local computer much easier. Having this platform allows you to receive HTML, pictures, and other data from the server, as well as construct all categories sequentially to the Computer.

Programming with HTTrack is simple. You only need to visit a webpage of the replicated website with your internet browser and, afterward, explore it online.

These fantastic HTTrack similar software will surely fulfill your web scanning and offline surfing requirements. This program allows you to download whole websites from the web, allowing you to view them even without internet access. For people with unstable connections, it is a great benefit, since you can quickly visit your favorite websites even when the network goes down.

8 Best HTTrack Alternatives

1. Cyotek Web Copy

Cyotek Web Copy

While your browser may store individual pages, Cyotek WebCopy saves whole sites for offline reading. WebCopy’s screening rules and other features assist in handling large websites. Improvements include Operating system compatibility and enhanced Recognize and Acknowledge header choices. 

WebCopy’s interface is simple and easy to learn even without referencing the Help section of the menu’s extensive resources. In fact, the Rules box adjacent to Forms and passcodes, and the split log view hinted to more complex possibilities. WebCopy worked quickly on our internet connection.

Researchers, professors, and others with enormous tasks but little budgets would love Cyotek’s WebCopy, a great free HTTrack alternative for the job.


  • Rules govern the scan behavior, such as omitting a particular area. Other possibilities include downloading a URL but not indexing it.
  • You may optionally submit one or maybe more forms before evaluating a website, for instance to register to an administrative section. If your website has secured sections, you may either use usernames and passwords or have them automatically asked when scanning.
  •  After analyzing your page, the Link Map Reader enables you to examine all internal connections. Filtering makes it easy to see the connections discovered.
  • In addition to the rules and forms described above, you may specify domain names, meta tag strings, default content, and more.
  • The results of scanning a website include lists of pages, problems, and media resources.
  • RegEx – Several configurations utilize regEx. Easy expression testing using the built-in editors.
  • Website Representation – View and customize an infographic of any website.

2. GNUWget


Wget excels at retrieving documents from sluggish or unreliable networks. Re-downloading files works on servers that support it (HTTP and FTP). Thus, it is the second in line when it comes to free HTTrack similar software

When retrieving through FTP, wildcard matching and recursive mirroring are allowed. Wget can check whether the distant files have changed since the previous retrieval and immediately download the latest update.

Proxy servers may reduce network traffic, increase speed retrieval, and allow access beyond firewalls. Behind such a firewall that needs a socks type gateway, you may build wget with supports for socks. 

Most options may be changed through the command line or a setup file. Wget may also create a global starter file.


  • After an interruption, users can still get files from a URL.
  • The program checks for changes in the source file and downloads the new version.
  • The program supports proxy servers, which reduces bandwidth consumption, speeds up extraction, and allows access even though the firewall is enabled.

3. Local Website Archive

Local Website Archive

The name says it all: this third HTTrack similar software excels at working with Opera, Firefox, and other Internet Explorer-based browsers. It also has the capacity to integrate with internet tools such as newsreaders, email clients, and other similar programs. 

The Local Website Archive may also be used to archive PDF documents. Another useful feature is that it can simply compress files, allowing you to instantly send your offline websites to anybody who needs access. This program is free, yet there is also a Pro edition with more capabilities.


  • Save website content to your computer’s hard drive.
  • WebSite-Watcher keeps track of pages that have been opened in your web browser and sites that have been examined by Web application.
  • Local Website Archive may be used as an optional add-on to WebSite-Watcher or as a single application that is not dependent on WebSite-Watcher to function.

4. Mozilla Archive Format

Mozilla Archive Format

MAFF is an obsolete website preserving format offered by Firefox via a plugin. It saves web pages, music, video, and other internet materials to a single document. Unlike MHTML, MAFF shrinks the page into something of a ZIP file.

The addon no longer works with 2017 Firefox releases. The author says no further assistance will be offered. However,  In Waterfox and Cyberfox, two forks of Mozilla that aim to retain functionality like the conventional expansion API, WebScrapBook can still save and open MAFF files. 

To recover.maff files, rename them to.rar or.zip, then unzip them with only an unarchiver such as 7-Zip to retrieve the files and directories. It may also be processed automatically, e.g. in search engines (like DocFetcher). 

This free HTTrack similar software saves a single page, several pages, or even a whole website. If you want to save a site or page, you need to save all associated assets, including video and music, to a single document. Its unique characteristic is that this is not based on MHTML. MIME encoding is used within HTML files, unlike MHTML.

Build the perfect snapshot, generate the stored pages, open-source platform, save audio and video files and open by selecting the option, quick and easy to use are the major technological characteristics and functions. It is the finest extension for saving pages and processing them. Its saving mechanism allows you to retrieve all stored pages in their original state despite the file type or save command used.

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  • Files needed to see a saved site as it was online are stored intact, and therefore could not be accidentally separated.
  • Save numerous pages in one archive, such as all open tabs.
  • Based upon this ZIP/JAR format 
  • Because MAFF files compress rather than encode online pages, the archive is frequently considerably much smaller than actual web content.
  • Suitable for audio and video files 
  • Save resource information – MAFF archives save resource metadata such as the previous location where the site was stored, and the save date and time. 

5. Ncollector Studio

Ncollector Studio

NCollector is a global website extractor and offline internet browser that allows you to download any website and explore it offline. Users of this HTTrack similar software may search for particular files, pictures, movies, etc., just like any website. This studio is a simple software that provides all the basic features of a website mirroring application.

NCollector Studio offers a free option in alternative to the premium upgrade, however, the free plan has fewer features than the paid version. For people who need to download particular files or whole websites for offline viewing, NCollector Lite is the perfect solution. 

NCollector Lite has three modes: Use the site crawler mode to search for pictures, videos, documents, and other file kinds. To download pictures, movies, etc., just enter a search engine and a search term. No additional setup is needed. 

If you don’t have internet access, you may download a webpage for offline viewing or just store a fully functioning version of a page. But unlike offline browser mode, mirror mode does not convert URLs for offline usage, providing an identical picture of the original page.


  • The in-browser converter is back in action 
  • Improved understanding of Shockwave Flash in NCollector Studio Images from Google Provider of search results
  • When creating local filenames, use the real filetype more frequently.
  • The files list has been updated with the status.

6. Page Nest

Page Nest

With PageNest, you can browse your favorite websites even if you don’t have an internet connection. Because the free HTTrack similar software downloads the specified websites to your hard disk drive, you may access them at any moment without internet connection.

This feature is useful if you have restricted internet access, wish to store a site locally, or are going somewhere without internet.

Downloading a website is quick. You may view the website at any time after it is saved locally. PageNest can also handle all your saved web pages. Multiple tabs will appear on the software’s main pane after the download. 

The Viewer tab shows the site, the Content tab shows all the items PageNest retrieved, and the Reports tab shows any problems.

PageNest allows users to download webpage content. Save whole websites and webpages on your desktop to view offline. Just put in the Address and download to access all the information, media, and features. Download it in its entirety or select the parts or webpages that attract you.


  • Processing of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is very quick.
  • Download any file format you choose.
  • Keep the folder structure of the sites intact.
  • Downloads may be paused and resumed.
  • Integrated web browser
  • Downloading with just two clicks
  • Specify File sizes must be kept to a minimum and maximum.
  • Download the file without making any modifications to the code.
  • Receive a copy of URLs by clicking on.

7. SiteSucker


SiteSucker is one of the best HTTrack alternatives for Mac that downloads web pages from the Internet automatically. 

It accomplishes this by replicating the site’s directories while concurrently transferring the site’s webpages, pictures, PDFs, layouts, and other items to your local hard disk. It can grab a complete website by just entering a URL and pressing return.

SiteSucker is a program that allows you to create local copies of webpages. SiteSucker “locates” the files it grabs by default, enabling you to view a website offline, although it may also save sites without making any changes.

In a document, you may preserve all of the metadata about a download. This enables you to generate a file that you may use to repeat the download at any time. 

If you select the Save option while SiteSucker has been in the midst of a request, SiteSucker will stop the download just to save its state with the file. 

By clicking the Resume button whenever you access the file later, you may resume the transfer from where it stopped off.


SiteSucker Pro may download embedded videos from YouTube and Vimeo. SiteSucker Pro’s File Type options now allow you to filter video file formats.

8. WebCopier


It is a multipurpose offline browser for Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8.x/10. You may use WebCopier to copy web pages and save them locally so you can see them later.

Once a site is cloned, you may access it from anywhere at any time. You may carry websites with you on business travels and view them instantly on your laptop.

WebCopier creates backups of websites or just particular folders by utilizing website copying with JavaScript parsing. It can download 100 files at once. WebCopier may also print whole web pages or parts of them.

WebCopier enables proxy servers and lets you log in using login information. The Document and URL Filters let you choose which files to copy and which to skip. Use the built-in browser to examine downloaded web pages or surf the web. 

The HTTrack similar software maintains relative routes so files may be transferred towards another computer, disc or backup media. WebCopier is a breeze! The wizards assist you establish each compatibility pack project.


  • Schedule downloads for a certain time.
  • Get started with downloading.
  • Import IE Bookmarks.
  • Easy project development using templates.
  • Put documents on disk easily.


If you are looking for the best HTTrack alternatives, we recommend you to try Cyotek Web Copy. Its screening rules allow Cyotek to manage and split your web download, making it easier for you to view them later on. 

However, all of the HTTrack alternatives above certainly work well in any case. Try one of them and see if it works out for you. 

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