How To Access and Change Steam Screenshot Folder Location

by Hashir Zuniga

Access and Change Steam Screenshot Folder Location

If you are among Steam game enthusiasts, you might have ever taken a series of screenshots while playing games. Many Steam users do the same, but it is not uncommon that they cannot find the screenshots. Where are the screenshots saved? How can you access and change steam screenshot folder location? If you have the same problem, you have come to the right place.

Rather than spending much time to search for the screenshot files on your computer, browsing on the internet is a wise decision. Here, you are about to find anything you need to know to access screenshot location for your Steam games. But before that, you may need to know a little fact about this popular game platform as well as a bit more about its screenshot feature.

Steam Games and Steam Screenshots

Steam is a gaming platform developed by Valve Corporation that allows you to install and update a wide array of video games. It features cloud saving, chat functionality, and community features to improve your gaming experience. In addition to features, Steam also enables you to purchase games and others through the Steam wallet.

While playing games, many of its users take screenshots and show it off. Taking screenshots of favorite game or scene can be a pride for the gamers, especially with high-quality pictures that Steam offers. This gaming platform provides you with 1GB of cloud storage. This capacity allows you to save a lot of pictures of your gaming. You can easily take screenshots of the highest record and show off.

How can you take screenshots of the game? It is pretty easy to take a screenshot while you are playing a game. By default, you only need to press the key of F12 to take a screenshot. The screenshots you have taken will be saved in the selected folder as you can see in the Setting menu. You can customize the hotkey for the screenshots. Choose a key that makes you easier when pressing it.

How to Access Steam Screenshot Folder Location

Despite its convenience to take screenshots, many Steam users cannot find the screenshots they have taken. The only reason is that they don’t know which folder the screenshots are being saved. If this is also your problem, there is nothing to worry about. Here, you will be able to find where the Steam screenshots are saved.

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1. Open from Steam

This is the best and easiest way to find your screenshots folder on Steam. Unfortunately, only a few players know where to find the folder directly on the software.

Access steam folder

  • Access your Steam software. Click View, then select Screenshot
  • You will see a new window. Navigate to Show on Disk in the bottom of the window and click the button.
  • Your folder of Steam screenshot will open. You can see game screenshots collections you have taken previously.

2. Open from File Explorer

You can also open Steam screenshots from File Explorer. However, this method may require a little more effort as the folder cannot be found easily. You can find the folder by searching the location below.

Access steam folder with File Explorer

  • Access your Windows Explorer.
  • Open C:\Programfiles(x86), then navigate to the Steam folder. Select user data, then click your Steam ID.
  • Select 760 folder, then choose remote, followed by clicking app ID then screenshots.
  • Now you can see all the game screenshots you have taken.

To make it easier in accessing the screenshots, you can create a folder shortcut. The shortcut prevents you from opening the path over and over again in the future. It is so much easier to make the shortcut. After seeing the screenshot folder, right-click then select Send to, choose Desktop. Exit the Explorer and you can find the shortcut on the desktop right away.

How To Change Steam Screenshot Folder Location

How if you want to change the screenshot location? It is kind of good news to know that you can change easily change the location to save the screenshots. If you want to change the folder location for easier access, the following steps are all you need to take.

Change Steam Screenshot Folder Location

  1. Open Steam software on your computer.
  2. Select View, then click Settings.
  3. This will open a new window. Find then click In-Game option.
  4. Select Screenshot Folder button that you can find under the screenshot shortcut key.
  5. Next, you can choose or create a new folder to save your Steam screenshots. Be sure to remember the new folder location you have selected.
  6. Then click Select and OK.

That is the easiest way to change folder location for game screenshots. In case you forget the new location you have selected, simply visit the Setting menu and see which screenshot folder you have chosen.

How to access and change Steam screenshot folder location is pretty easy. You can choose which method you think is the most practical. In addition, you can also change the folder location effortlessly. Simply visit the menu setting and customize your screenshot folder. Now that you know anything about Steam screenshot, go ahead to show off your achievement in playing games with Steam.

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