8 Best LeetCode Alternatives and Similar Platforms

by Deniz

Best LeetCode Alternatives

Looking for LeetCode alternatives? LeetCode is a robust platform that may help you improve your abilities, broaden your understanding, and be ready for technical interviews. 

It is the quickest, well-optimized platform that supports structure to assist your progression to the next level of your programming profession. On this platform, you may simply and rapidly learn nearly all of the high-level programming languages.

The site includes over 1800 training questions and helps you develop fast. But, one of the most significant aspects of this platform is that it is one of the most influential tech communities of active members that engage in its competitions to improve themselves and win prizes. 

There is even an option that allows businesses to recruit computer expertise quickly. LeetCode is a complete solution that includes several notable features like live interviews, the ability to create custom queries, online databases, and much more.

Since Leetcode offers so much more than just a learning platform, it is important to find alternatives to Leetcode so you can expand your horizon! 

Best LeetCode Alternatives You Should Know

1. AlgoExpert


In terms of a LeetCode similar site, AlgoExpert is among the most effective tools available for programmers who are studying for their programming interview.

This video-based website allows you to work on more than 150 algorithm challenges that range from Basic to Very Hard in difficulty.

A few topics you can learn in AlgoExpert are graphs, arrays, searching, filtering, binary trees and stacks. 

You can also utilize its 4-pane integrated workplace where you can use the pad, read the prompt, get a solution as well as watching the explanation from a video. 

With this alternative to Leetcode, you can now learn up to 9 programming languages, such as Python, Java, Swift, C++ and many more. Moreover, Algoexpert will also provide a certificate for everyone who manages to answer all the tests. 

2. CheckiO


CheckIO is a free alternative to Leetcode that is specifically intended for beginners and experienced programmers to help them improve their coding abilities by completing a variety of challenges and entertaining tasks in TypeScript and Python. 

CheckIO is available in English and Spanish. The platform was designed by a group of engineers and now has a number of customers all over the globe who may use it to improve their programming speed and abilities by following the instructions on the screen.

This alternative for Leetcode offers a comprehensive tool used by teachers all around the globe to supplement their classroom instruction. It includes a variety of enjoyable and difficult activities. 

You have complete freedom to investigate, select, and begin solving any problem without any restrictions. Aside from that, there is the opportunity to develop and distribute one’s own job with no restrictions. 

CheckIO is a prominent platform for coding beginners, and its service is available to anybody on the globe who has an internet connection.

3. CodeChef


CodeChef was established as a platform to assist programmers in breaking into the field of cryptography, coding, and programming competitions. 

The team works hard at CodeChef to bring out the geek in you by holding a coding contest at the beginning of each month, as well as multiple side programming challenges in the halfway and end of the season. 

This free alternative to Leetcode also wants to provide training courses and discussions on topics such as algorithms, binaries, and technical details such as array size. Apart from hosting programming contests, CodeChef also offers a number of algorithm lessons and discussion forums to assist people who are new to computer programming. 

Start your search at one of its numerous questions and submit your answer in your preferred language. Its coding contest judges welcome entries in more than 55 different programming languages. It’s never been so much fun to prepare for coding competitions! Ascend the CodeChef levels by accumulating points.

CodeChef follows a simple method: practice, study, compete and talk. So, first and foremost, you’ll brush up on your existing programming abilities by working on a variety of programming challenges in over 40 languages.

Then, as you solve more and more questions correctly, you’ll earn points and move up the rankings. After that, you have the option of competing with other students. Prizes differ depending on the tournament. Finally, there is also a discussion board where you may banter with other developers. You’ll also get the opportunity to interact with the CodeChef crew.

4. Coderbyte


Coderbyte is a virtualized pre-employment assessment software designed to assist companies with coding tests for computing and technical jobs. This alternative to Leetcode offers a complete solution that includes almost all of the essential features and services to serve as a one-stop code evaluation solution

On a centralized screen, administrators may change system configuration, monitor logs, and check completion progress using the solution’s activity dashboard. Using predictive analytics, the program enables companies to set various qualifying criteria for candidates, identify plagiarism, and produce performance reports for a variety of applications. It also has a built-in task library that enables you to quickly and simply construct customized exams.

It offers options for creating a detailed user profile, which saves time and work. A comprehensive collection of recruiting tools is also available, saving time and effort. Skills evaluations, candidate assessments, online exams, customized tests, and so much more are among the main features of Coderbyte.

Coderbyte is a website designed to help anybody improve their programming abilities. Every day, new challenges are introduced, allowing you to practice applying your algorithmic thinking process to any issue you choose at any time. 

Coderbyte is designed to help you improve your ability to solve common logic, mathematics, and algorithmic issues. Improve your coding and interviewing abilities. With its exam prep material, you can prepare for programming interviews at top IT firms.

  • Uninterrupted Coding Environment:

The platform includes a full-screen editor to assist you in solving our problems and practicing. Solve problems using one of our 10+ coding and simply verify your results on our platform.

  • Solution Manuals:
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You’ll get exposure across over 1 million answers from other programmers if you sign up for a Coderbyte membership. Learn how other individuals address problems similar to yours to improve your abilities.

  • Reports on Progress:

With each task you accomplish, you can see how far you’ve progressed. As you complete additional tasks, you’ll earn points and trophies, and you’ll begin to rank against all other programmers.

5. CodinGame


Instead of just completing coding problems in an editor, CodinGame allows you to participate in creating the code for video games that you can play immediately online. Here’s a list of the games that are presently available, as well as an example of one. The game includes problem statements, test scenarios, and an editor that allows you to create code in a few lines of 20+ coding.

Despite the fact that this website is not like other competitive programming websites like the ones listed above, it is nevertheless popular among programmers who love solving challenges and competing.

This list was compiled utilizing a variety of sources, including my own personal encounters with the websites, Google searches, Quora postings, and publications like this and this. I also went to various forums and subreddits, such as r/learnprogramming, to check what websites people there typically suggested. 

CodinGame is another free LeetCode similar site. It supports learning through over 25 coding. Moreover, you can choose to learn by yourself or to work with a multiplayer challenge. To make it easier for you, every coding concept would be presented as a game. Thus, you can enjoy some fun as well as learning something! 

6. Edabit


Edabit is one of the most popular alternatives to LeetCode for learning to code via interactive challenges. The platform was created with people who wish to learn computer languages fast and simply in mind. It includes a variety of tests, activities, challenges, and workouts that you may do. On this website, you may quickly learn all there is to know about nearly every major language.

The platform mimics real-world coding while eliminating the tiresome and non-educational elements. It incorporates basic gaming elements to make learning enjoyable and addicting. Edabit allows us to learn nearly all of the most popular programming languages, such as Swift, Javascript, Python, and others.

Everyone knows that conversing with native speakers is the quickest method of learning a spoken language. Similarly, the quickest method to understand code is to code yourself. Edabit provides an almost infinite number of bite-sized tasks, allowing you to quickly improve your skills. 

Do you ever feel like you’re caught between studying too simple and too difficult material? Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you’ll see that everything is designed for either a complete novice or an experienced programmer. Edabit fills the void. 

You begin on simple and work your way up until you can conquer the most difficult tasks. Edabit mimics real-world programming while eliminating the boring, non-educational aspects. To make education more enjoyable and addicting, we include basic gaming elements. Level up by gaining XP and unlocking achievements.

7. Exercism


Are you new to coding? Starting to program is exciting and difficult but it can also be frustrating, stressful, and daunting. Exercising offers a plethora of little victories. The tasks are manageable mini-quests that are short, well-defined, and difficult enough to reveal bite-sized knowledge deficiencies.

Your answers provide reviewers hints about what you’ve never figured out yet. The comments you get will direct you to appropriate study areas and make writing code much easier for you.

Exercism is the alternative to LeetCode learning platform, with over 4000 activities in up to 52 popular programming languages. It is very different from other comparable programming websites in that it emphasizes solo practice and also mentor-based learning. The greatest part about this software is to have an active developer community that assists novices all around the globe.

You must first select the language you want to learn, then complete a coding assignment on your computer, submit your code, and have it reviewed by your mentor. It has many levels, and as you advance, you may access the next level of ideas and activities without restriction. You may also submit your own code with Exercism’s engineers for real-time criticism.

8. HackerRank


An online judging platform related to LeetCode that provides users with programming questions of different complexity (rated Easy, Mid, and Difficult) for free. For those into competitive programming, Hacker Rank also offers coding challenges.

Among the most popular alternatives to LeetCode, HackerRank offers some variances. You’ll work on consumer practice questions in this game-based learning environment. You may also participate in HackerRank competitions, which match you against those users.

Algorithms, Math, SQL, Modular Programming, AI, and other disciplines are among the challenges offered by HackerRank. You may complete all of the challenges instantly.  

Every task has a debate and scoreboard, and most challenges include an editorial that describes the issue as well as how to tackle it in order to find a solution. Apart from the opinion column, you can’t see other people’s answers on HackerRank right now. Users may also submit an application and apply for employment by completing business coding competitions on HackerRank.


It’s worth noting that you shouldn’t have to purchase for LeetCode Professional if you don’t want to, since most of the site’s questions are still available for free. Also worth noting is that most of these materials are self-learned, which really is a way of learning that not all coders can follow.

Despite the fact that this website is not like other competitive programming websites like the ones listed above, it is nevertheless popular amongst coders who love solving obstacles and competing.

LeetCode however is still an excellent coding educational software for beginners to experts. Thus, when looking for the best alternative to LeetCode, you need to also search for a similar program which means that CodeChef ticks all the boxes. 

CodeChef offers coding challenges for free and connects you to the vast community of programmers. Moreover, they even do it all for free! Therefore, CodeChef is considered as one of the best LeetCode alternatives out there. 

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