Where Are Voicemails Stored on Android? Here the Answer!

by Hashir Zuniga

You have a lot of activities and it is impossible to get attached with your phone the whole day. When you are away from the phone and don’t realize an incoming call, it may turn to be a missed call. Unluckily, sometimes voicemails also turn as missed calls. What if the voicemails are important? Where are voicemails stored on Android?

To give you some peace of mind, you should figure out the voicemails coming to your smartphone. But before listening to the important voicemails, it is necessary to know the location of voicemails on Android. If you never know where the voicemails go, you should keep on reading and find the answer below!

Types of Voicemails and Where Are Voicemails Stored on Android

Before diving deeper, you should know two types of voicemails on Android for each of them are stored in different places. The two types of voicemails are basic voicemail and voice message. Find more explanation below:

Basic voicemail

As the name suggests, this type of voicemail is the basic one. Your caller can leave a voicemail at the time the phone call cannot go through. On Android smartphone, this basic voicemail is stored at the server. There is an expire-date which may vary from a provider to another. But it is usually 14 days or more.

Since the voicemail is stored at the server, this answers the question of where the voicemails are stored on Android particularly for the basic one. How to access the basic voicemail? There are some ways to get the basic voicemail from your Android smartphone. If you are sure enough there is any important voicemail you have to know, use these ways to access them:

1. Use voicemail app

Some Android smartphones provide pre-installed voicemail app that can be used to find any voicemails. This application typically does not cost you a dime. You can freely access the application, but it requires an internet connection.

2. Dial pad

Another way to access the voicemail is through dial pad. Your provider may provide a specific number to access the voicemails. Find out more information about this before continuing to the next step.

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3. Call the voicemail

The last method to access your basic voicemail is by calling the voicemail. Use another phone and call your voicemail number.

You may need to save the basic voicemail so that you can listen to the mail over and over again. Use a third-party Android application that enables you to record audio. There are some available applications to do this.

Voice message

Voice message is a newer service provided by smartphone. There are some kinds of voice message that you can enjoy, ranging from MMS service to the latest, WhatsApp as one of the most popular chatting apps. Unlike basic voicemails that are stored in the server, voice messages are stored on your phone. This allows you to access the message easily.

WhatsApp Voice Message

The voice message can be downloaded to the device. For WhatsApp, you have to download the message before listening to the audio. You can simply open the conversation to listen to the audio over and over again. But, what if you want to export the message to other devices?

Then you can find the message in the storage. It is usually depending on the phone’s setting, either in the internal storage of SD card storage. To find the audio file, you only need to hit the storage and find WhatsApp menu or other chatting application. Choose media and then WhatsApp Voice Notes. You will see a list of voice messages from the latest.

Interestingly, you can also store voice messages in the cloud such as Dropbox or Google Drive. The file usually appears in OPUS format or in a simple audio file. When you want to play it on the computer, you need to convert the message into another format.

Where are voicemails stored on Android? Basically, voicemails are divided into two types: basic voicemail and voice message as the newer service. The basic mail is not stored on Android, instead, it is stored in the server and it has expire-date. On the contrary, the voice message is far more practical as it can be downloaded and stored into your device. You can choose the storage, either in the internal storage or SD card storage.

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